Thursday, January 19, 2012

2 months old


I scratched my nose

How old is baby:
2 months

Baby's Weight:
12 lbs
Baby's Height:
23in, his next appointment is next week, so we'll see.

Pays attention to the Mobile and other toys.  He's also so much stronger. I have to tell Briana to always have her hand on his back since he'll jerk back when we're burping him.

He's sleeping a good 3-4-5 hours.  It depends on if i just lay him down or burp him because he'll wake up pissed if I didn't burp him. O_o

Best Moment:
We went to a Korean Tofu Restaurant and he did soooo good.  I gave him a bottle and he just looked around and hung out.  I was actually able to eat and enjoy my meal.

Looking Forward to:
Not having to burp him anymore.  I think when he starts sitting up is when he can burp himself. 

Lessons Learned:
To find and make time for Mommy and Daddy.  I miss that guy I used to call my hubby.  I need to start planning a monthly Date Night!

Pregnancy Weight Loss: 
I've lost another 10 lbs! Just 10 more to be at my pre-preggo weight and back into my jeans!  Woo Hoo! I haven't been going to the gym since their childcare starts at 3 months old. I'm just focusing on eating more greens.  Oh and continue breastfeeding, you know that alone burns 200-500 cals a day!

What's been on my mind:
I've been feeling guilty of not being able to spend as much time with Briana as I used to.  For example, Softball season is here and I used to be like her coach.  Now I can't even go outside and catch with her. It's hard having a new-teen and a newborn.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

6 weeks old

So far Maximus has been a fussy one.  Don't let that adorable smile fool you.  I know babies don't cry for no reason but I feel he is just being particular (a trait his dad passed along).  But I think I've got him figured out.  Hopefully it's all smiles from here.  Weird thing happened, him and Briana must of woke up that morning and both planned to be better kids as their new year's resolution.  Max slept in for two 5 hour increments and Briana woke up early to help me around the house o_O I know crazy! let's see how long it lasts. 

How old is baby:
6 weeks 4 days

Baby's Weight:
10 lbs 7oz, 50th Percentile
Baby's Height:
23in, 75th Percentile

Smiling, coos, turns his head to see me.  Way more interactive.

Well up until now he would wake up every 2 hours to nurse and fuss. I'm guilty of keeping him in my bed. I know! it's wrong but oh so easy to do.  Not anymore! back into the bassinet you go. We both sleep better now because of it.

Best Moment:
When I took the pictures above.  We both slept good and Max woke up so happy!

Looking Forward to:
Some sort of routine. I need to get me a 2012 planner.  I know that would help me jot down his schedule so I can work around it.

Lessons Learned:
Two boobs are better than one. :) Filling him up even if he looks content with one. This was a Duh! moment, but I get a pass since It's been so long.

Pregnancy Weight Loss: 
I've lost 20 lbs without doing anything, other than have a baby. Now I guess I have to work on the remaining 20.  Not very motivated right now.  I'll start Monday ;)


Monday, January 2, 2012

Becoming Debt Free

I love this time of year.  Just last week it was Jesus' Birthday a time of rebirth and new life.  Feels like you've just pressed the reset button for your new beginning.

2012 for me will be becoming debt free.  That is one of the few goals I have for myself.  Here's an update from my last post about my debt. In the last 3 months we've been able to pay off $1,550.  That's about $500 a month towards debt reduction.  That's not bad considering we're living off of Jaime's income plus my unemployment, for now. Below are a list of lifestyle changes to not only accommodate for the income loss, but also lean into paying off as much debt as possible. Every dollar counts.
  • Match coupons with sale items for groceries
  • Thrift stores for only good quality clothes (like blouses or Jeans)
  • Buy accent furniture or home decor at Moving Sales / Garage Sales
  • No restaurants
  • Take care of what we already own
    • read labels before washing clothes
    • Use the sewing machine to repair or hem clothes
    • Spray stains immediately
  • Accept hand-me-downs
  • Don't upgrade cell phone, rather do a phone swap with someone who is upgrading. (Make sure you add insurance to your line before swapping to repair, if needed, then cancel insurance after swap)
  • Wear old glasses, Don't buy contact lenses  :(
  • Stay healthy and brush teeth :) (Doctor or Dentist visits aren't cheap)
  • Drive with caution (Tickets suck!)
  • Pay all bills on time (late fee's add up)
  • No cable (Television is targeted to consumers, meaning you will feel the need to buy)
  • Try to DIY as much as possible
  • Live below our means
  • Don't use credit cards, have at least $1,000 in savings for emergencies 
  • Give myself a weekly allowance of Gas, Groceries & Misc.
I'm sure there are a lot more things I can list off, but these were the ones off the top of my head. To stay motivated, I have to remind myself that this is only temporary.  Later on I will be able to vacation and spend like it was my business.  Can't wait to break the chains and become debt free. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas in Maryland

We're back from our Christmas vacation in MD.  We drove up that Friday before Christmas Eve and drove back home Friday before New Years. 7 days was plenty (fun fact: 7 represents completion in the bible :)  It was nice to see my family and all the kids but there's no place like home.

Sometimes I weigh the pros and cons to moving back and ultimately I feel GA is where God has placed me.  I can't explain how I ended up here in a GA suburb where the people are predominately white and southern, far from DC suburbs where Latin Americans are taking over and everyone is, northern, to sum it up.  Has to be God's plan.

As humans I feel we want to stay where we feel comfortable, but growth comes from our differences.  This probably explains why opposites attract.  So we can learn and grow from one another.  So get uncomfortable and see how God will use it to bless you abundantly like He has me and my family.
Christmas present I painted for my Mom

Maximus and Briana with their Aunts

Just hanging out

Most of the kids

Bella :)


busy tattooing all the boys
