Thursday, January 19, 2012

2 months old


I scratched my nose

How old is baby:
2 months

Baby's Weight:
12 lbs
Baby's Height:
23in, his next appointment is next week, so we'll see.

Pays attention to the Mobile and other toys.  He's also so much stronger. I have to tell Briana to always have her hand on his back since he'll jerk back when we're burping him.

He's sleeping a good 3-4-5 hours.  It depends on if i just lay him down or burp him because he'll wake up pissed if I didn't burp him. O_o

Best Moment:
We went to a Korean Tofu Restaurant and he did soooo good.  I gave him a bottle and he just looked around and hung out.  I was actually able to eat and enjoy my meal.

Looking Forward to:
Not having to burp him anymore.  I think when he starts sitting up is when he can burp himself. 

Lessons Learned:
To find and make time for Mommy and Daddy.  I miss that guy I used to call my hubby.  I need to start planning a monthly Date Night!

Pregnancy Weight Loss: 
I've lost another 10 lbs! Just 10 more to be at my pre-preggo weight and back into my jeans!  Woo Hoo! I haven't been going to the gym since their childcare starts at 3 months old. I'm just focusing on eating more greens.  Oh and continue breastfeeding, you know that alone burns 200-500 cals a day!

What's been on my mind:
I've been feeling guilty of not being able to spend as much time with Briana as I used to.  For example, Softball season is here and I used to be like her coach.  Now I can't even go outside and catch with her. It's hard having a new-teen and a newborn.

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